In addition to providing the secure, purpose built environment for the location of servers, fault tolerant, burstable bandwidth, EQSN also provides an optional range of supporting services.

We offer a number of supporting contract services which aim to reduce the load on your internal resources while maintaining the quality of service your systems require.


Monitoring is a key component to ensuring that, where possible, prevention of problems takes place, and where not, procedures are put into place to react to failure. With hardware and complex software, there are always going to be occasions where a system will fail.

Daily, weekly and monthly monitoring available from EQSN will identify trends and report failures. Among other things this information can be used as part of a capacity planning process. With this information our procedures will work alongside your own to provide a solution to keep the systems operating, before issues become critical.

Software monitoring takes place 24x7, ensuring that failure of the network connectivity, hardware, HTTP, SMTP, routing and database operation are all continuously reviewed. Our software can be tweaked to provide monitors on your specific software.

By working with our technical development staff we can observe the performance of your systems and provide alarms where necessary.


These will always be sent to our technical support staff at the operations centre as well as any nominated staff you require. This ensures we have every opportunity to react to unforeseen situations and work with you, where necessary, to resolve difficulties.


These programmes are divided according to the time they operate within. Standard Day support functions between the hours of 9am and 5pm, Long Day operates for 18 hours between 6am and midnight, whilst All day works on a complete 24 hour basis.

Regardless of which option is selected, the software monitoring is operational 24 hours a day and SMS/Email messages will be sent to nominated personnel whenever alarms are raised.

  • Standard Day support functions between the hours of 9am and 5pm
  • Long Day operates for 18 hours between 6am and midnight
  • All day works on a complete 24 hour basis

EQSN takes on the responsibility for the maintaining the operating system, patch levels, security updates etc. We will integrate the server into our monitoring, alarm and maintenance system. We will also undertake to operate the Disaster Recovery plan in the event of a system failure.

Database Administration

Database support carries out the same tasks on your Oracle or SQL server databases. We can provide configuration services for MYSQL.

Firewall Management

Protecting your server by using a firewall is best practice. As a base level we can implement IP filtering which protects your system using the EQSN general facilities. This is a form of fire-wall although it does not carry the certification of firewall software. Most customers require a dedicated firewall to meet their obligations. Our Checkpoint certified engineers can configure and maintain the firewall system if required.


Tape Changing

Daily tape changes and storage are crucial to a quality Backup strategy and Disaster Recovery plan. Changes can be carried out on a 5 day or 7 day cycle. Arrangements can be made for off-site storage with a specialist company if required.

Disaster Recovery Planning & Testing

EQSN recommends the Veritas range of products for backup and disaster recovery (D.R.). We can work with your technical staff to produce a detailed process of recovery and then test the entire cycle of events to provide the peace of mind a D.R. plan should offer.
In the event of a D.R. type incident we will work along with your own people to implement, manage and facilitate the plan.

Service Level Agreement

EQSN provides all clients with a Service Level Agreement as a contract between us to ensure that there are known areas of responsibility and courses of action for given circumstances. This is complemented by an Operations Procedures Manual which details the physical and operational aspects of dealing with your equipment while it is in EQSN care. These documents are the cornerstone of our service, ensuring that there is a code of practice to follow, giving clients piece of mind.

We operate a web-based work flow and recording tool to ensure that all incidents, requests for work and client information is stored in a centralised database where relevant staff and engineers can access. Investment in billing software ensures that technical billing of bandwidth can be automated and issued to clients in a timely manner.

Our SLA and operations procedures manuals are fundamental documents that exist to ensure an understood and documented work flow process. As such we expect contributions from both sides on the contents and operation of the SLA.

We at EQSN believe in process management and work flow control. We implement all the necessary structures to ensure that;

  • People understand their roles in any given task.
  • Tasks are monitored and escalated automatically before situations turn critical.
  • Project management is an integral part of our processes.
  • Staff training and development can be identified and undertaken.
  • Customers can participate and benefit from involvement in the cycle.
  • Problems and trends are identified early on.
  • Every procedure with more than 2 steps can have a structure and process that is consistent, giving anticipated results.
  • Handover and staff-cover is simplified using identifiable key milestones.
  • System improvements can be introduced at a single point with instant benefit to all members. And a scalability of process that allows our facilities and business to develop with minimal problems.

Implementation & Testing Programmes

During implementation of clients systems we coordinate activities, test connectivity to the site internally and externally, setup monitoring, usage graphs, alerts, update records and instigate backup regimes where appropriate.

Remote Hands

Although the systems we manage have remote power management capability there are still the odd occasion that requires manual intervention, perhaps to load a CDROM or press a button. This facility is available with costs depending on the time of day the action is required and the support program clients are on.

Terminal Server Ports

Terminal server ports allow access to the serial ports of your system. In the case of SUN and HP servers, this allows you to take full control of the machine as you would when sitting physically in front of it.